
Be coloured happy at the Birmingham Color Run

Written by
Shaun Curnow

The Color Run is a race with a difference. It doesn't matter how long it takes you, what position you finish, or if you've been training for months to shave a minute off your 5k time; it's a brilliant first choice for those yet to properly dip their toes into running. In fact, it looks like a blast for anyone – which is why the run is also known as 'the happiest 5k on the planet'.


A photo posted by The Color Run UK (@thecolorrungbr) on


Last year, over 85,000 runners took part in a UK Color Run event and, on August 15, the event is coming to Birmingham, with thousands of runners expected to head off for a lap around the NEC, before ending up at a gigantic 'Color Festival' at the finish line.

For those who've not taken part in a Color Run before, the rules are simple: wear white at the start and finish covered in colour. The event is open to all ages and fitness levels and is a five kilometre, un-timed race in which participants are covered head-to-toe in a different coloured powder (made from cornstarch) at each kilometre. Once they have completed the run, the post-5k party – complete with MCs, DJs and colour giveaways – will ensure that anyone who somehow managed to make it to the end with some white clothing still untouched gets a thorough coating.


A photo posted by The Color Run UK (@thecolorrungbr) on


The official charity partner for The Color Run is the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) and runners can help the event hit its £250,000 target by getting sponsorship before taking part. For example, £100 in sponsorship can cover the costs of manning ChildLine phone counsellors for 25 children who have gained the courage to ring for help.

For more about The Color Run, visit the website for route maps, sponsorship information and registration details.


A photo posted by The Color Run UK (@thecolorrungbr) on


The Color Run Birmingham, August 15, 11am, Birmingham NEC. Entrance fees are £30.99 for solo runners and £28.99 per person for team entries. 

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