In Barcelona, bars tend not to have very imaginative names. It would be great if someone took the opportunity of opening a new place to call it something like 'The happy cockle' ('L'escopinya alegre'), 'The two-headed dog' ('Els gos de dos caps') or 'The hole in the wall' ('El forat a la paret')! For the time being, however, the custom of naming bars after their location looks set to continue, like in the case of this one that's found in Plaça Raspall, which, fortunately, is one of the prettiest squares in the city, one that's little-known and hasn't been taken over by the crowds. Even so, the Raspall gets a lot of clients every day, drawn particularly by the offer of a free tapa with a glass of draught beer, wine or vermouth.
It might seem the stuff of dreams, but it's true: there are plenty of bars in Barcelona where you can get free tapas when you order a beer. Follow our guide to visit some of these very special establishments where food's included with your drink order. Note down the addresses and get ready to fill your boots for very few euros.