
Your dog can swim in a D.C. public pool this weekend

The annual Doggie Day Swim is this Saturday

Helen Carefoot
Written by
Helen Carefoot
A golden retriever swims in a swimming pool.
Photograph: Shuttershock/BRS Images | A golden retriever swims in a pool.

Most of D.C.’s public pools closed over Labor Day weekend, but there’s one last hurrah of the summer swimming season—for your dog.

This Saturday, September 7, D.C., dogs get one day to swim in four public pools before they’re drained at the annual Doggie Day Swim. From 11am to 4pm, dogs can swim, jump in the pools, meet other dogs (and humans), and play water games.

These are the pools participating: Francis Pool in West End, Upshur Pool in Petworth, Langdon Park Pool in Langdon, and Ridge Road Pool in Fort Dupont. 

Swimming is free, but registration is required. All dogs need a current, original copy of their Dog License and tag (issued by DC Health) to swim.

Dogs have to be sociable, meaning they’re comfortable around other dogs and people, and current on vaccinations like distemper and rabies. Dogs also have to be either spayed or neutered, and they have to be on a leash on the pool deck.

If you’re a human craving one last summer swim, you’re not entirely out of luck. The Hearst Pool in Cleveland Park and Oxon Run Pool in Washington Highlands remain open until Sunday, September 22.

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