
One of the top trending Christmas markets in the world is in Washington, D.C.

Travel insurance firm InsureandGo analyzed the top trending Christmas markets this year.

Helen Carefoot
Written by
Helen Carefoot
The Downtown D.C. Holiday Market in 2022.
Photograph: Shuttershock/Henderson Munoz | The Downtown D.C. Holiday Market in 2022.

You may have just started to toss your Halloween pumpkins, but it's already time to look ahead to the holiday season. Indeed, we have plenty of time worn traditions to look forward to, like peeping at Christmas lights and shopping for fun gifts at a Christmas market. Luckily, a recent survey found that one of the top trending Christmas markets in the world is in Washington, D.C.

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A recent analysis by travel insurance company InsuranceandGo looked at the top trending Christmas markets in the world based on Google search data; the Downtown D.C. Holiday Market in Washington, D.C., located in Penn Quarter/Chinatown near the National Portrait Gallery, came in ninth place, with an 84% increase in search interest from 2023. The market will be open daily (except for Thanksgiving on November 28) from November 22-December 23 from noon-8pm.

First on the list is the Skansen Christmas Market in Stockholm, which has operated since 1903; searches for this market increased 324% since last year. New York's famous Winter Village at Bryant Park took the second spot in the top 10, and boasted a 311% search increase. Two markets, the Blenheim Palace Christmas Market in the U.K. and Montreux Noël in Switzerland, tied for the sixth spot, Woodstock tied for the sixth spot with a search increase of 122%.

To come up with these figures, InsuranceandGo used data from Google's Keyword Planner, then compared the percentage increase for location and the word "Christmas market" between July-September in 2023 to the same time period this year. Search terms with fewer than 500 searches in 2024 weren't included. Take a look 

The top 10 trending Christmas markets in the world in 2024, according to InsuranceandGo:

1. Skansen Christmas Market, Stockholm, Sweden (324% search increase from last year)

2. Bryant Park Christmas Market, New York (311% search increase from last year)

3. Covent Garden Christmas Market, London (238% search increase)

4. Tivoli Christmas Market, Copenhagen, Denmark (140% search increase from last year)

5. Distillery Winter Village, Toronto (125% search increase from last year)

6. Blenheim Palace Christmas Market, Woodstock, U.K. (122% search increase from last year)

6. Montreux Noël, Territet, Switzerland (122% search increase from last year)

8. Frankfurt Christmas Market, Birmingham, U.K. (90% search increase from last year)

9. Downtown D.C. Holiday Market, Washington, D.C. (85% search increase from last year)

10. Union Square Holiday Market, New York (84% search increase from last year)

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