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Photograph: Courtesy Unsplash/Element5 Digital | |

Voting guide 2020: registration deadlines, early voting and mail-in voting rules for all 50 states

Everything you need to know to vote early and safely in all 50 states


The 2020 presidential election is a tricky one. The pandemic is far from over, and many Americans are left wondering how they're going to safely and efficiently cast their vote this November. Well, we want to help you vote this year in whatever capacity possible. We've rounded up the most important voting information for each state, including voting registration deadlines, whether or not early voting and voting in person is allowed, and how to make sure your mail-in ballot has reached its destination. Find your state, make sure you're registered to vote, and come November 3rd, exercise your right to VOTE! 

When is the election? 

Election Day is Tuesday, November 3, 2020 

Can I vote early? 

Yes! Many states are allowing early voting. Scroll to your state to see the exact timelines for early voting. 

Can I vote in person?

With the exception of five states—Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon, Washington and Utah—which conduct their elections entirely by mail, poll places will be open across the country for in-person voting. 

Can I vote by mail? 

That depends on what state you live in. With the exception of six states, most states will provide a mail-in or absentee ballot without requiring an excuse. See the list below for deadlines and rules.

Be aware that your state's deadline might be too late: USPS has suggested that voters request a mail-in ballot by October 19 at the latest and ballots should be sent in by October 27th—dates which may be much earlier than state deadlines. 

Can I track my mail-in ballot? 

That also depends on where you live, though more states than ever are providing the technology to do so. Find your state below for more. 

States appear in alphabetical order: 


Voter registration deadline: 15 days before the election

Can I vote early? Yes, starting 55 days before the election via in-person absentee voting 

Can I vote by mail? Yes; The deadline to request a ballot is October 29 (though, the USPS recommends voters request a ballot by October 19 at the latest). Note: To complete your ballot you’ll need two witnesses or a notary.

When will my mail-in ballot be sent? Starting September 9 

Can I track my mail-in ballot? Yes, head here: myinfo.alabamavotes.gov/voterview


Voter registration deadline: 30 days before the election either in-person, by mail or online 

Can I vote early? Yes, it begins 15 days before the election 

Can I vote by mail? Yes; The deadline to request a ballot is October 24 (though, the USPS recommends voters request a ballot by October 19 at the latest). Note: Voters over 65 will automatically receive an application in the mail. To complete your ballot you’ll need a witness or notary.

When will my mail-in ballot be sent? Starting October 9 

Can I track my mail-in ballot? Yes, head here: myvoterinformation.alaska.gov/


Voter registration deadline:  29 days before the election either in-person, by mail or online 

Can I vote early? Yes, it begins 27 days before the election 

Can I vote by mail? Yes; All voters will automatically be mailed an application starting in early OctoberThe deadline to request a ballot is October 23 (though, the USPS recommends voters request a ballot by October 19 at the latest). 

When will my mail-in ballot be sent? Starting October 7 

Can I track my mail-in ballot? Yes, head here: my.arizona.vote/PortalList.aspx


Voter registration deadline: 30 days before the election either in person or by mail. Note that you cannnot register to vote online. 

Can I vote early? Yes, it begins 15 days before the election 

Can I vote by mail? Yes; The deadline to request a ballot is October 27 (though, the USPS recommends voters request a ballot by October 19 at the latest). Note: To complete your ballot you’ll need to include a photocopy of a photo ID.

When will my mail-in ballot be sent? Starting September 18 

Can I track my mail-in ballot? Yes, head here: voterview.ar-nova.org/voterview


Voter registration deadline: 15 days before the election either in-person, by mail or online 

Can I vote early? Yes, depending on the county it begins 29 days before the election 

Can I vote by mail? Yes; Ballots will automatically be sent to all active voters this year 

When will my mail-in ballot be sent? Starting October 5 

Can I track my mail-in ballot? Yes, head here: california.ballottrax.net/voter/


Voter registration deadline: 8 days before the election either by mail or online. You can still register and vote in-person on election day. 

Can I vote early? No, all voting is mail-in 

Can I vote by mail? Yes; Ballots are automatically sent to all voters 

When will my mail-in ballot be sent? Starting October 9 

Can I track my mail-in ballot? Yes, head here: sos.state.co.us/voter/pages/pub/olvr/findVoterReg.xhtml


Voter registration deadline: 7 days before the election either in-person, by mail or online 

Can I vote early? No 

Can I vote in person? Yes, all active voters will automatically be mailed an application starting in mid-September. The deadline to request a ballot is November 2 (though, the USPS recommends voters request a ballot by October 19 at the latest).

When will my mail-in ballot be sent? Starting October 3 


Voter registration deadline: 24 hours before the election either in-person or by mail. Online registration deadline is the fourth Saturday before the election. 

Can I vote early? No 

Can I vote by mail? Yes; All active voters will automatically be mailed an application starting in early SeptemberThe deadline to request a ballot is October 30 (though, the USPS recommends voters request a ballot by October 19 at the latest).

When will my mail-in ballot be sent? Starting October 4 

Can I track my mail-in ballot? Yes, head here: ivote.de.gov/voterview


Voter registration deadline: 29 days before the election either in-person, by mail or online 

Can I vote early? Yes, depending on the county it starts at least 10 days before the election 

Can I vote by mail? Yes; The deadline to request a ballot is October 24 (though, the USPS recommends voters request a ballot by October 19 at the latest).

When will my mail-in ballot be sent? Starting late September 

Can I track my mail-in ballot? Yes, head here: registration.elections.myflorida.com/CheckVoterStatus


Voter registration deadline: 29 days before the election either in-person, by mail or online 

Can I vote early? Yes, it begins the fourth Monday before the election 

Can I vote by mail? Yes; The deadline to request a ballot is October 30 (though, the USPS recommends voters request a ballot by October 19 at the latest).

When will my mail-in ballot be sent? Starting September 15

Can I track my mail-in ballot? Yes, head here:mvp.sos.ga.gov/MVP/mvp.do


Voter registration deadline: 30 days before the election either in-person, by mail or online 

Can I vote early? No, Hawaii is all mail-in voting 

Can I vote by mail? Yes; Ballots are automatically sent to all voters in Hawaii 

When will my mail-in ballot be sent? Starting in October 

Can I track my mail-in ballot? Yes, head here: ballotstatus.hawaii.gov/Default


Voter registration deadline: 25 days before the election either in-person, by mail or online 

Can I vote early? Yes, depending on the county is starts the third Monday before the election 

Can I vote by mail? Yes; The deadline to request a ballot is October 23 (though, the USPS recommends voters request a ballot by October 19 at the latest).

When will my mail-in ballot be sent? Starting September 18

Can I track my mail-in ballot? Yes, head here: idahovotes.gov/online-voter-tools/ 


Voter registration deadline: 27 days before the election in-person; 28 days before the election by mail; 16 days before the election online 

Can I vote early? Yes, it begins 40 days before the election 

Can I vote by mail? Yes; all recent voters were automatically mailed an application for a mail-in ballotThe deadline to request a ballot is October 29 (though, the USPS recommends voters request a ballot by October 19 at the latest).

When will my mail-in ballot be sent? Starting September 24


Voter registration deadline: 29 days before the election either in-person, by mail or online 

Can I vote early? Yes, it begins 28 days before the election 

Can I vote by mail? Yes, but requesting a ballot requires a reason. The deadline to request a ballot is October 22 (though, the USPS recommends voters request a ballot by October 19 at the latest).

When will my mail-in ballot be sent? Starting in September


Voter registration deadline: 10 days before the election either in-person, by mail or online 

Can I vote early? Yes, it begins 29 days before the election via in-person absentee voting 

Can I vote by mail? Yes; all active voters will automatically be mailed an application starting in early SeptemberThe deadline to request a ballot is October 24 (though, the USPS recommends voters request a ballot by October 19 at the latest).

When will my mail-in ballot be sent? Starting October 5 

Can I track my mail-in ballot? Yes, head here: sos.iowa.gov/elections/absenteeballotstatus/absentee/search


Voter registration deadline: 21 days before the election either in-person, by mail or online 

Can I vote early? Yes, depending on the county is begins 20 days before the election 

Can I vote by mail? Yes; The deadline to request a ballot is October 27 (though, the USPS recommends voters request a ballot by October 19 at the latest).

When will my mail-in ballot be sent? Starting October 14 

Can I track my mail-in ballot? Yes, head here: myvoteinfo.voteks.org/voterview


Voter registration deadline: 29 days before the election either in-person, by mail or online 

Can I vote early? Yes, it begins 21 days before the election 

Can I vote by mail? Yes; The deadline to request a ballot is October 9 (though, the USPS recommends voters request a ballot by October 19 at the latest).

When will my mail-in ballot be sent? Starting mid-September 

Can I track my mail-in ballot? Yes, head here: vrsws.sos.ky.gov/vic/


Voter registration deadline: 30 days before the election either in-person or by mail; 20 days before the election online 

Can I vote early? Yes, it begins 14 days before the election 

Can I vote by mail? Yes, but requesting a ballot requires a reason (fear or COVID is not a valid reason). The deadline to request a ballot is October 30 (though, the USPS recommends voters request a ballot by October 19 at the latest). Note: To complete your ballot you’ll need a witness.

When will my mail-in ballot be sent? Starting September 19 

Can I track my mail-in ballot? Yes, head here: voterportal.sos.la.gov/


Voter registration deadline: 15 days before the election by mail. Maine does not offer online registration. You can still register and vote in-person on election day.

Can I vote by mail? Yes; The deadline to request a ballot is October 29 (though, the USPS recommends voters request a ballot by October 19 at the latest).

When will my mail-in ballot be sent? Starting October 4 


Voter registration deadline: 21 days before the election either in-person, by mail or online 

Can I vote early? Yes, it begins the second Monday before the election 

Can I vote by mail? Yes; All registered voters were automatically mailed an application for a mail-in ballotThe deadline to request a ballot is October 20 (though, the USPS recommends voters request a ballot by October 19 at the latest).

When will my mail-in ballot be sent? Starting in late September 

Can I track my mail-in ballot? Yes, head here: voterservices.elections.maryland.gov/VoterSearch


Voter registration deadline: 10 days before the election either in-person or online; 20 days before the election by mail 

Can I vote early? Yes, it begins 11 days before the election 

Can I vote by mail? Yes; All registered voters will automatically be mailed an application starting September 14The deadline to request a ballot is October 28 (though, the USPS recommends voters request a ballot by October 19 at the latest).

When will my mail-in ballot be sent? Starting in early October 

Can I track my mail-in ballot? Yes, head here: sec.state.ma.us/wheredoivotema/track/trackmyballot.aspx


Voter registration deadline: 15 days before the election either in-person, by mail or online. You can still register and vote in-person on election day. 

Can I vote early? Yes, it begins 45 days before the election 

Can I vote by mail? Yes; The deadline to request a ballot is October 30 (though, the USPS recommends voters request a ballot by October 19 at the latest).

When will my mail-in ballot be sent? Starting September 24 

Can I track my mail-in ballot? Yes, head here: michigan.gov/sos/0,4670,7-127-5647_12539_29836-311826--,00.html


Voter registration deadline: 21 days before the election either by mail or online. You can still register and vote in-person on election day. 

Can I vote early? Yes, it begins 46 days before the election via in-person absentee voting 

Can I vote by mail? Yes; The deadline to request a ballot is November 2 (though, the USPS recommends voters request a ballot by October 19 at the latest).

When will my mail-in ballot be sent? Starting September 18

Can I track my mail-in ballot? Yes, head here: mnvotes.sos.state.mn.us/AbsenteeBallotStatus.aspx


Voter registration deadline: 30 days before the election either in-person or by mail; Mississippi does not offer online registration. 

Can I vote early? No 

Can I vote by mail? Yes, but requesting a ballot requires a reason (fear or COVID is not a valid reason). There is no set deadline, but its suggested that requests are in by October 31 (though, the USPS recommends voters request a ballot by October 19 at the latest). Note: Your application must be notarized or, if you’re permanently disabled, include a witness signature. To complete your ballot you’ll also need a notary.

When will my mail-in ballot be sent? Starting September 21


Voter registration deadline: 27 days before the election either in-person, by mail or online

Can I vote early? No

Can I vote by mail? Yes; The deadline to request a ballot is October 21 (though, the USPS recommends voters request a ballot by October 19 at the latest). Note: To complete your ballot you’ll need a notary, unless you are voting by mail due to a permanent disability, illness or being part of group considered high risk for the coronavirus.

When will my mail-in ballot be sent? Starting September 22


Voter registration deadline: 8 days before the election by mail. Montana does not offer online registration. You can still register and vote in-person on election day. 

Can I vote early? Yes, it begins 30 days before the election 

Can I vote by mail? Yes; The deadline to request a ballot is November 2 (though, the USPS recommends voters request a ballot by October 19 at the latest). 

When will my mail-in ballot be sent? Starting October 9 

Can I track my mail-in ballot? Yes, head here: app.mt.gov/voterinfo/


Voter registration deadline: 18 days before the election either by mail or online. 11 days before the election in-person. 

Can I vote early? Yes, it begins 30 days before the election 

Can I vote by mail? Yes; all registered voters will automatically be mailed an application starting in early SeptemberThe deadline to request a ballot is October 23 (though, the USPS recommends voters request a ballot by October 19 at the latest). 

When will my mail-in ballot be sent? Starting September 29 

Can I track my mail-in ballot? Yes, head here: votercheck.necvr.ne.gov/voterview


Voter registration deadline: 28 days before the election by mail; 5 days before the election online; You can still register and vote in-person on election day 

Can I vote early? Yes, it begins 17 days before the election 

Can I vote by mail? Yes; Ballots are automatically sent to all active voters

When will my mail-in ballot be sent? Starting September 24 

Can I track my mail-in ballot? Yes, head here: nvsos.gov/votersearch/


Voter registration deadline: 13 days before the election by mail; online registration not available; You can still register and vote in-person on election day 

Can I vote early? No

Can I vote by mail? Yes; The deadline to request a ballot is November 2 (though, the USPS recommends voters request a ballot by October 19 at the latest). 

When will my mail-in ballot be sent? Starting September 19 

Can I track my mail-in ballot? Yes, head here: app.sos.nh.gov/Public/AbsenteeBallot.aspx


Voter registration deadline: 21 days before the election either in-person, by mail or online.

Can I vote early? Yes, it begins 45 days before the election via in-person absentee voting  

Can I vote by mail? Yes; Ballots will be automatically sent to all active voters

When will my mail-in ballot be sent? Ballots should be received by October 5 

Can I track my mail-in ballot? Yes, head here: voter.svrs.nj.gov/auth/sign-up


Voter registration deadline: 28 days before the election either in-person, by mail or online

Can I vote early? Yes, it begins 28 days before the election 

Can I vote by mail? Yes; The deadline to request a ballot is October 20 (though, the USPS recommends voters request a ballot by October 19 at the latest). 

When will my mail-in ballot be sent? Starting October 6

Can I track my mail-in ballot? Yes, head here: voterportal.servis.sos.state.nm.us/wheretovote.aspx?AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1


Voter registration deadline: 25 days before the election either in-person, by mail or online

Can I vote early? Yes, it begins 10 days before the election 

Can I vote by mail? Yes; The deadline to request a ballot is October 27 (though, the USPS recommends voters request a ballot by October 19 at the latest). 

When will my mail-in ballot be sent? Starting mid September 

Can I track my mail-in ballot? Yes, head here: nysballot.elections.ny.gov/TrackMyBallot/Search


Voter registration deadline: 25 days before the election either in-person, by mail or online

Can I vote early? Yes, it begins 19 days before the election 

Can I vote by mail? Yes; The deadline to request a ballot is October 27 (though, the USPS recommends voters request a ballot by October 19 at the latest). Note: To complete your ballot you’ll need a witness.

When will my mail-in ballot be sent? Starting September 4

Can I track my mail-in ballot? Yes, head here: vt.ncsbe.gov/RegLkup/


Voter registration deadline: North Dakota does not have voter registration. You simply need to bring valid proof of ID and residency to the polls in order to vote.

Can I vote early? Yes, depending on the county it begins at least 15 days before the election 

Can I vote by mail? Yes; The deadline to request a ballot is November 2 (though, the USPS recommends voters request a ballot by October 19 at the latest). Note: A copy of your photo identification must be included with the application.

When will my mail-in ballot be sent? Starting September 24

Can I track my mail-in ballot? Yes, head here: vip.sos.nd.gov/AbsenteeTracker.aspx


Voter registration deadline: 30 days before the election either in-person, by mail or online

Can I vote early? Yes, it begins 28 days before the election via in-person absentee voting

Can I vote by mail? Yes; all registered voters were automatically mailed an application for a mail-in ballotThe deadline to request a ballot is October 31 (though, the USPS recommends voters request a ballot by October 19 at the latest).

When will my mail-in ballot be sent? Starting October 6

Can I track my mail-in ballot? Yes, head here: sos.state.oh.us/elections/voters/toolkit/ballot-tracking/


Voter registration deadline: 25 days before the election either in-person or by mail; online registration not available 

Can I vote early? Yes, it begins 5 days before the election 

Can I vote by mail? Yes; The deadline to request a ballot is October 27 (though, the USPS recommends voters request a ballot by October 19 at the latest).

Can I vote by mail? Yes; all registered voters were automatically mailed an application for a mail-in ballotThe deadline to request a ballot is October 31 (though, the USPS recommends voters request a ballot by October 19 at the latest). Note: To complete your ballot you’ll need a notary or to include a photocopy of your ID.

When will my mail-in ballot be sent? Depends on the county 

Can I track my mail-in ballot? Yes, head here: okvoterportal.okelections.us/


Voter registration deadline: 21 days before the election either in-person, by mail or online

Can I vote early? No, Oregon is all mail-in voting

Can I vote by mail? Yes; Ballots are automatically sent to all voters

When will my mail-in ballot be sent? Starting October 14

Can I track my mail-in ballot? Yes, head here: secure.sos.state.or.us/orestar/vr/showVoterSearch.do


Voter registration deadline: 15 days before the election either in-person, by mail or online

Can I vote early? No

Can I vote by mail? Yes;efsWhen will my mail-in ballot be sent? Starting mid-September

Can I track my mail-in ballot? Yes, head here: pavoterservices.pa.gov/pages/ballottracking.aspx


Voter registration deadline: 30 days before the election either in-person, by mail or online

Can I vote early? Yes, it begins 20 days before the election 

Can I vote by mail? Yes; All active voters will automatically be mailed an application. The deadline to request a ballot is October 13. 

When will my mail-in ballot be sent? Starting mid-September

Can I track my mail-in ballot? Yes, head here: vote.sos.ri.gov/Home/UpdateVoterRecord?ActiveFlag=3


Voter registration deadline: 30 days before the election either in-person, by mail or online

Can I vote early? No

Can I vote by mail? Yes; The deadline to request a ballot is October 30 (though, the USPS recommends voters request a ballot by October 19 at the latest). 

When will my mail-in ballot be sent? About 30 days before the election 

Can I track my mail-in ballot? Yes, head here: info.scvotes.sc.gov/eng/voterinquiry/VoterInformationRequest.aspx?PageMode=AbsenteeInfo


Voter registration deadline: 15 days before the election either in-person or by mail; online registation is not available 

Can I vote early? Yes, it begins 46 days before the election via in-person absentee voting

Can I vote by mail? Yes; The deadline to request a ballot is November 2 (though, the USPS recommends voters request a ballot by October 19 at the latest). Note: Your application must include a copy of your photo identification or be notarized. 

When will my mail-in ballot be sent? Starting September 18 

Can I track my mail-in ballot? Yes, head here: vip.sdsos.gov/VIPLogin.aspx


Voter registration deadline: 30 days before the election either in-person, by mail or online 

Can I vote early? Yes, it begins 20 days before the election 

Can I vote by mail? Yes, but requesting a ballot requires a reason (fear of catching COVID-19 does not count). The deadline to request a ballot is October 27 (though, the USPS recommends voters request a ballot by October 19 at the latest). 

When will my mail-in ballot be sent? In September 

Can I track my mail-in ballot? Yes, head here: tnmap.tn.gov/voterlookup/


Voter registration deadline: 30 days before the election either in-person or by mail; online registation is not available 

Can I vote early? Yes, it begins 22 days before the election 

Can I vote by mail? Yes, but requesting a ballot requires a reason (fear of catching COVID-19 does not count). The deadline to request a ballot is October 23 (though, the USPS recommends voters request a ballot by October 19 at the latest). 

When will my mail-in ballot be sent? Starting September 19


Voter registration deadline: 7 days before the election in-person; 30 days before the election by mail; 11 days before the election online  

Can I vote early? Yes, it begins 14 days before the election 

Can I vote by mail? Yes; Ballots are automatically sent to all voters

When will my mail-in ballot be sent? Starting October 13 

Can I track my mail-in ballot? Yes, head here: votesearch.utah.gov/voter-search/search/search-by-voter/track-mail-ballot


Voter registration deadline: Election day either in-person, by mail or online 

Can I vote early? Yes, it begins 45 days before the election 

Can I vote by mail? Yes; Ballots are automatically sent to all voters

When will my mail-in ballot be sent? Starting September 21

Can I track my mail-in ballot? Yes, head here: mvp.vermont.gov/


Voter registration deadline: 22 days before the election either in-person, by mail or online 

Can I vote early? Yes, it begins 45 days before the election via in-person absentee voting  

Can I vote by mail? Yes; The deadline to request a ballot is October 23 (though, the USPS recommends voters request a ballot by October 19 at the latest).

When will my mail-in ballot be sent? Starting September 18 

Can I track my mail-in ballot? Yes, head here: www.elections.virginia.gov/citizen-portal/


Voter registration deadline: 8 days before the election by mail or online; You can register and vote in-person on Election Day

Can I vote early? Yes, it begins 18 days before the election 

Can I vote by mail? Yes; Ballots are automatically sent to all voters

When will my mail-in ballot be sent? Ballots will be sent by October 16 

Can I track my mail-in ballot? Yes, head here: voter.votewa.gov/WhereToVote.aspx#/login


Voter registration deadline: 21 days before the election either by mail or online. You can still register and vote in-person on election day. 

Can I vote early? Yes, it begins no earlier than 10 days before the election 

Can I vote by mail? Yes; Ballots are automatically sent to all active voters

When will my mail-in ballot be sent? Starting the first week of October 

Can I track my mail-in ballot? Yes, head here: dcboe.org/Voters/Absentee-Voting/Track-Absentee-Ballot


Voter registration deadline: 21 days before the election either in-person, by mail or online 

Can I vote early? Yes, it begins 13 days before the election 

Can I vote by mail? Yes; The deadline to request a ballot is October 28 (though, the USPS recommends voters request a ballot by October 19 at the latest).

When will my mail-in ballot be sent? Starting September 18 

Can I track my mail-in ballot? Yes, head here: services.sos.wv.gov/Elections/Voter/AbsenteeBallotTracking


Voter registration deadline: The Friday before the election in person; the third Wednesday before the election by mail; 20 days before the election online

Can I vote early? Yes, depending on the county it begins at least 14 days before the election via in-person absentee voting  

Can I vote by mail? Yes; All registered voters were automatically mailed an application for a mail-in ballotThe deadline to request a ballot is October 29 (though, the USPS recommends voters request a ballot by October 19 at the latest). Note: A copy of your photo identification must be included with the application. To complete your ballot you’ll need a witness.

When will my mail-in ballot be sent? Starting September 17 

Can I track my mail-in ballot? Yes, head here: myvote.wi.gov/en-US/MyVoterInfo


Voter registration deadline: 14 days before the election either in-person or by mail; online registation is not available. Note: Wyoming does not accept the National Voter Registration Form; Wyoming prefers that people register to vote in person at the County Clerk's office; If this isn't possible, print out the Wyoming Voter Registration form and fill it out in front of a notary. 

Can I vote early? Yes, it begins 45 days before the election via in-person absentee voting  

Can I vote by mail? Yes; The deadline to request a ballot is November 2 (though, the USPS recommends voters request a ballot by October 19 at the latest). 

When will my mail-in ballot be sent? Starting September 18 

Can I track my mail-in ballot? Yes, head here: sos.wyo.gov/Elections/State/AbsenteeVoting.aspx

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