1. Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona

The historic Grand Canyon Railway penetrates into the Grand Canyon National Park daily from Williams, Arizona...and does it in style. You’ll travel in beautiful restored vintage railcars for about two hours and arrive at the South Rim. You can even go back and forth in a single day if you wish, with a three-hour stay at the canyon (although, c’mon, once you’re there, you’ve got to stay!). You may not have heard of Williams, but it’s just three hours from Las Vegas or Phoenix. Some say the train route provides the best way to enter the park, and along the way, you’ll watch the terrain change between high desert, prairie and pine vistas. You can choose your railcar; there are six classes of service, from the Pullman class to the luxury parlor car. And on top of all this, you’ll get live entertainment, from strolling musicians to cowboys who may even hold up the train. And that’s all before you even get to the park, which has astonishing evidence of massive erosion that will take your breath away.