Meow Wolf, a Santa Fe-based artist collaborative, built “the first multiversal transit station serving Earth” in multiple locations around the country, each with different names, including Convergence Station in Denver and Omega Mart in Las Vegas. That means that a ticket, starting at $35, will buy you access to spaces that feel very much like you’ve permanently left planet Earth. Isn't that nice?
For much of our lives, admiring the work of an artist went like this: Unless it’s hanging in our living room, we may never put our grubby hands on it. But lately, there’s a new trend in art, where museums and exhibits are encouraging visitors to not only touch the stuff but to interact with it physically. For a while, these interactive and immersive art exhibits were looked down upon by art snobs, who called them blatant money-grabs that catered to the selfie-obsessed. But then immersive exhibits grew up, calling upon actual artists, sometimes downright masters, to create dazzling displays that allow people to engage and immerse themselves in art in ways that just weren’t possible that long ago. At these exhibits below, not only is touching the art encouraged, but you can very much live it as if you’ve temporarily stepped inside someone else’s imagination.
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