Ladies and gentlemen, some very good news: Golden Globe and Emmy-winning British spy thriller Killing Eve, starring Sandra Oh and Jodie Comer, is returning for season 3 two weeks ahead of schedule. Rejoice!
According to an official tweet, the show will return to the US on April 12 on AMC and BBC America, so set your DVRs. Check out the new season's trailer here:

Given the postponements that the culture and art worlds all around the globe have to contend with to deal with coronavirus, the news comes as a breath of fresh air so, in case you're one of the few people that have yet to discover the grandiose show, now is time to binge on the first two seasons. Both of those are currently available on Hulu.
As a refresher: the series focuses on Oh's Eve Polastri, a British intelligence officer who spends her days looking to nab Villanelle (Comer), a truly psychopathic killer. In a weird and entertaining twist of events, the two actually become obsessed with each other. Fun stuff indeed.