
Where to find the best-tasting tap water in the U.S.

A new study reveals insight into where you can hit the tap instead of buying plastic water bottles

Gerrish Lopez
Written by
Gerrish Lopez
Time Out Contributor, US
Tap water
Photograph: Shutterstock

A new study has revealed where you can find the best-tasting tap water in the world, and when it comes to the U.S., a few key locations stand out. After analyzing nearly 2,000 Reddit comments from communities such as r/HydroHomies, the medical travel insurance experts at AllClear pinpointed the destinations where travelers rave about refreshingly crisp tap water.

So, where can you ditch the bottled water and opt for the tap? According to Reddit users, New York City takes the crown. The city’s water—sourced from the Catskills—is not only celebrated by locals but also frequently praised by visitors. Many claim it’s the secret ingredient behind NYC’s legendary bagels and pizza.

Beyond the Big Apple, the Pacific Northwest is a hotspot for delicious drinking water. Washington and Oregon receive glowing reviews, with Seattle’s tap water particularly beloved. One Redditor put it simply: “I never had 'good' tap water until I moved to Washington state.” In Oregon, Portlanders are so devoted to their tap water that some say it’s one of the reasons they’ll never move.

San Francisco also stands out, thanks to its Hetch Hetchy reservoir, delivering pristine water from Yosemite. Other honorable mentions include Colorado’s crisp Rocky Mountain water, Michigan’s Lake Michigan supply and Anchorage’s fresh Alaskan tap. Baton Rouge, Louisiana emerges as an unexpected but celebrated contender.

For eco-conscious travelers looking to skip the plastic, these cities offer the ultimate hydration experience—straight from the tap.

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