Two aliens might be the last, err, people you'd expect to hear shelter-in-place advice from, but these martians have some experience in the matter. Their names are Hilly and Nilly and they've been quarantined in the Nevada desert after crash landing on Earth for years, so they know a thing or two about keeping yourself entertained while at home. And they've decided to deliver that advice in the form of a rap.
You have to see it to believe it:

Surprisingly, the video—which was created by AREA15, a forthcoming entertainment and shopping center just off the Las Vegas Strip—is actually full of sound advice and ideas for keeping yourself entertained, such as reading books, working out, learning to ferment cabbage and keeping in touch with family.
"Care for one another, alien or human," chant Hilly and Nilly in the video. Pretty good advice if you ask us.
If you're looking for more stories to make you smile, scroll through these animal live streams or cute quarantine cakes.