Is it the case for you that you arrive on U.S. soil after an awesome trip abroad, look longingly at the short line over at the Global Entry, and once again regret that you didn’t enroll beforehand? Well, if you’re flying out of Washington Dulles International Airport, we’ve got great news. You can now enroll on the spot. It’s part of the new “Enrollment on Departure” plan that lets you complete your Global Entry interview as you are leaving. And since you have to arrive so very early for international flights, it’s perfect timing to do the Global Entry interview. Although, of course, you should leave some extra time specifically for this process. It's awesome to know that when you come home, elated and exhausted, you'll breeze through the security checkpoint. Future You will thank you.
Washington Dulles is the first airport in the country to offer this departure airport enrollment. Previously, you had to make an interview in advance of your flight or do the enrollment upon returning home at participating U.S. airports.
To participate, you have to be a “conditionally approved applicant,” which means that you have to file with the Department of Homeland Security’s Trusted Traveler Program. Once you get that conditional approval online, you can head straight to the Enrollment on Departure office at Gate B41 inside the B concourse. Customs and Border Patrol officers will be there from noon to 8pm daily to review your travel documents (passport plus airline ticket), as well as your proof of residency (such as a driver’s license or utility bill), and get you officially enrolled.
Global Entry costs $100 for five years and includes TSA PreCheck for domestic flights. Right now, more than 12.7 million people are Global Entry members, and 77 U.S. airports have Global Entry lanes. The only catch is, you have to be a “low risk” passenger, so we felons can’t do it. Wah!