
This is how everyone will be camping in 2024

A new study shows campers are in need of a "calm-cation"

Melissa Kravitz Hoeffner
Written by
Melissa Kravitz Hoeffner
Camping in the Redwood National Park in California
Photograph: Shutterstock/Virrage Images

Exploring the great outdoors is an American pastime, and that's not going away, but come 2024, Americans want to camp a bit differently. That is, calmly. According to a new study by, 93% of campers feel more relaxed or mentally refreshed after time spent camping versus other kinds of trips and most of those campers want their 2024 camping trips to focus on one thing: Calmness.

We've reached the calm-cation era, and campers are doing it right. Nearly 70% of campers report specifically craving a sense of calm and relaxation on their upcoming trips, with 43% seeking out some good old peace and quiet on their trips.

Getting away from it all can be relaxing, but that doesn't mean you have to unplug. 91% of campers reported wanting internet access of some kind while camping (nothing like some post-stargazing doom-scrolling), and 64% of campers said they're actually most relaxed when they have high-speed internet available. 

When picking a calm cation spot, a waterfront camping ground may be best for a reset. Of the 2,851 respondents to the survey, 64% said being near the water on lakes, rivers or beaches helped them feel most relaxed, and the top-rated feature of any campsite for campers to relax was near the water. Campers also prioritized just being in fresh air and enjoying clear skies at night. 

On the fence about camping? Know that 58% of campers found calmness in just having a break from routine by going camping, which can be less stressful than daily life or even being in a hotel. It's novel! It's fun! It's only temporary!

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