
This Google map highlights over 60 black-owned and -operated bookstores across North America

Support the Black Lives Matter movement while learning more about it.

Anna Rahmanan
Written by
Anna Rahmanan
Senior National News Editor
Koryo Books
Photograph: Shutterstock

There are a ton of ways to support the Black Lives Matter movement. From donating to bail-out funds to ordering take out from black-owned restaurants, it seems like folks are finding new and creative ways to help the cause on a daily basis. 

But why not kill two birds with one stone by advancing the ideals of the movement while learning more about it? Don Gorman, the publisher of Rocky Mountain Books, has put together a list of 61 black-owned bookstores in North America (two are in Canada and the rest in the United States) that will help you do just that. Here it is:

Visit your neighborhood bookstore, funnel some much-deserved cash into the business and ask the folks that work there for a reading list covering antiracist topics from POC voices. 

The map, which has already been viewed over 3,240 times, isn't the first effort by Gorman to highlight the power of bookstores. When stay-at-home orders were first implemented in Canada, the publisher created another Google map, this one tracking all the independent book shops in the country offering delivery and pick-up services.

This is the time to educate ourselves.

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