
This airport will allow non-travelers into the terminals

A special pass will let you join friends and family at the gate without a ticket

Gerrish Lopez
Written by
Gerrish Lopez
Time Out Contributor, US
Airport departure gate with planes taking off in background
Photograph: Shutterstock

Back in the olden days, you could bid adieu to loved ones right at the gate before a flight, or surprise them as they deboarded the plane. 9/11 changed all that, but a few airports have launched special programs that bring back the option.

Starting November 1, 2023, Philadelphia International Airport will debut its new PHL Wingmate Guest Pass. The pass will allow some non-travelers without a boarding pass to access the terminals past security.

“We receive many inquiries from friends and family members looking to escort a passenger to or from their gate. The Wingmate Guest Pass will help loved ones spend more time with their family members before take-off or create a memorable arrival experience,” said PHL Director of Marketing and Branding Megan O’Connell in a statement.

To participate in the program, you’ll have to apply online one to seven days before you want to visit. If you’re approved, you’ll receive a digital Wingmate Pass via email. If you apply in advance you’ll receive an email with your status after 12am on the day you want to visit. You can also apply for same-day entrance, in which case you would receive an email within 15 minutes with your status. You’ll still have to go through security of course, but you won’t be able to use an expedited security program like TSA PreCheck.

Philadelphia isn’t the only airport to introduce such a program. Orlando launched its own visitor pass program last month, and Seattle and New Orleans both offer programs for non-ticketed visitors.

Hanging out in the airport isn’t anyone’s idea of fun, but these visitor pass programs are most welcome for those who want to spend a few more precious moments with loved ones before takeoff.

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