A little humor goes a long way, especially during these unprecedented times, and the National Parks Service seems not to have forgotten that.
The service has released a few hilarious posters to teach folks how to properly behave while visiting each destination. Although, admittedly, most parks have stayed open throughout the pandemic, Americans seem to be more and more comfortable actually frequenting them in recent days—and what better way to remind them to keep their distance from each other than eye-catching visuals peppered across all locations?
We'll let you look through the posters on your own (we showcase them below and you can download each one right here), but we'd like to point out some of the funniest bits, including a giggle-worthy reminder that 6 feet is just about as long as a moose's antlers and that using "slower friends as bear bait" is never a good idea—coronavirus or not.
Of course, the posters are packed with legitimate (and legitimately useful) advice, like reminders to stay home when feeling sick, postposing challenging hikes while first responders are busy dealing with the pandemic and constantly washing our hands.
Here, find our updated list of both open and closed national parks. See you outdoors?

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