
These are the cheapest days to travel for the holidays

Airfare is up, but you can save by traveling on certain days of the week

Gerrish Lopez
Written by
Gerrish Lopez
Time Out Contributor, US
Airport at Christmas
Photograph: Shutterstock/Evgenia Parajanian

It’s time to start planning for holiday travel, and we all want to save on airfare. Expedia alerted us to the best days of the week to book travel to save the most, but what about the cheapest day to actually travel? If you’re looking to get the best deals on flights for Thanksgiving and Christmas, has the answer.

The online search platform for flights, hotels and cars has released its 2023 Holiday Cheap Flights Report with everything you need to know to fly cheap for the holidays. The report indicates a 12% increase in airfare for both Thanksgiving and Christmas this year on top of a busier flight season, so you’ll want to pay attention. recommends buying on the early side, as price fluctuations will increase in November. Their Best Time to Buy Flights tool can help gauge the best time to buy.

Thanksgiving travel is looking pricey this year, but recommends flying out on Monday, November 20 and returning on Friday, November 24 for the best fares.

Thanksgiving flights

Christmas is on a Monday this year, so the Friday and Saturday before Christmas are the most expensive travel days. Flying on Christmas Eve can save you the most — about $120 over traveling on December 22. New Year’s Eve travel is relatively inexpensive this year, and the day you travel doesn’t matter as much when it comes to savings.

Thanksgiving flights

Read the full report here to get the best deals on upcoming holiday travel.

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