
The weird and unexpected things each state should immediately give visitors when they arrive

Visitors to Hawaii receive leis, but what would other states hand out to visitors upon arrival? Reddit has thoughts.

Gerrish Lopez
Written by
Gerrish Lopez
Time Out Contributor, US
Woman holding a lei
Photograph: Shutterstock/Maridav

When visitors arrive at their hotels in Hawaii, most are treated to the state’s symbol of friendship, celebration, honor and greeting. It’s a long-standing tradition that makes visitors feel welcome, setting the tone for a positive vacation experience. But what if other U.S. states practiced the same form of hospitality? Reddit users have been discussing what each state might offer to visitors as a welcome gift, and the suggestions range from sensible to downright cheeky.

Visiting Vermont? A little bottle of maple syrup makes for a warm welcome gift. Louisiana, using New Orleans as its selling point, might hand out Mardi Gras beads. A cup of strong coffee and some smoked salmon would set the stage for a visit to Washington state. Wisconsin might enjoy a snack of cheese curds upon arrival after a long journey. But other states? Well, some commenters have some slightly different ideas for how to welcome visitors to these states.

Arizona: instant sunburn

Colorado: A joint and an IPA

Florida: A baby gator or something from Publix—preferably a Pub sub.

Georgia: Spanish moss

Idaho: a traffic violation or a baked potato.

Indiana: Orville Redenbacher popcorn

Kentucky: a shot of bourbon, a paw paw and a Claritin to block the allergies caused by the paw paw

Louisiana: Mardi Gras beads

Maine: A lobster roll and a ticket back home: "Welcome to Maine. Spend your money, then leave."

Maryland: A tin of Old Bay or anything with a crab on it

Massachusetts: a Dunkin’ Donuts coffee and a hefty dose of attitude

Minnesota: a can of Deep Woods OFF and a story about the Halloween Blizzard of ‘91

Nebraska: A corn necklace

New Jersey: the finger

New York: A slice of pizza and the middle finger

Ohio: A Buckeye necklace and a speeding ticket.

Oklahoma: a 2x4 at 200mph as tornado sirens blare

Oregon: a microbrew and an edible

Pennsylvania: A cheesesteak or sandwich with fries and slaw on top. You get a Hershey's bar regardless.

Tennessee: Dolly Parton’s greatest hits and a coffee table book of the University of Tennessee’s win over Alabama in football from 2022

Texas: A choice of a bowl of Chili, BBQ brisket, or Frito Pie, and then pick a pair of boots or a cowboy hat.

Utah: The Book of Mormon

Vermont: Maple syrup

Virginia: a ham

Washington, D.C.: A lanyard with some kind of fake credentials

Washington: A cup of coffee and some smoked salmon—or someone hurls a fish at you

West Virginia: A lump of coal

Wisconsin: Cheese curds or, if you’re lucky, a brat you can wear around your neck.

The list goes on, with some suggestions veering towards the philosophical. If you’ve got ideas for your state, jump in the conversation here.

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