For a change, this week's must-see show will not come courtesy of Netflix but, rather, directly from our skies: a Super Pink Moon, which is set to be the biggest and brightest of 2020, will be visible from the United States on Tuesday night, April 7.
A few things you should know about it: although it is called pink, the full moon won't actually look that color. The name is inspired by the pink phlox flowers that usually bloom around the same time that this particular full moon makes an appearance.
Generally speaking, a full moon supermoon occurs when the it is at its closest point to the Earth. This month's, it will be around 221,851 miles away from us (the average distance is about 283,855).
Now, onto the important stuff: how do we maximize our chances of properly taking in this magnificent natural occurrence?
Believe it or not, the event is more of a jog than it is a sprint, which means you actually want to check out the sky before and after peak illumination.
Try to get as high up as you can (don't forget to keep your social distance, of course) if you have access to a balcony or a rooftop. In non-coronavirus times, you'd want to ideally have access to an open field or, generally speaking, an area with an unobstructed view of the sky above. But, of course, we'll make due wherever we are this year.
If your location faces west, you won't get to see the moon rise but, instead, enjoy the moonset in the morning of April 8, 2020. Check out this website to figure out exact moonrise and moonset times for your area.
If you miss it, worry not: the next and final supermoon of the year—this one dubbed Super Flower Moon—is set to take over our skies on May 7, 2020.