
Save on travel costs with this airline’s new subscription service

Alaska Access gets you first dibs, free Wi-Fi and more

Gerrish Lopez
Written by
Gerrish Lopez
Time Out Contributor, US
Smartphone being used on a plane
Photograph: Shutterstock

Frequent flyers on Alaska Airlines take note: the airline has unveiled a new subscription service that can save you money. For $5 a month, you’ll enjoy a bundle of exclusive deals from free Wi-Fi to early access on sales.

Alaska Access is the newest offering from the airline, which was the first in the U.S. to offer a flight subscription service. Savvy travelers loyal to the airline can now take advantage of even more savings, just in time for the spring travel season. The service requires a 12-month commitment but includes a variety of perks, including early access to the biggest yearly sales the night before they are announced to the general public, a monthly Wi-Fi voucher that allows you to stream, browse and chat on-board and a personalized fare page to help you easily find the lowest available fares.

“We know time is valuable for our guests who are busy balancing a lot in their lives and we kept that in mind when we developed Alaska Access,” said Shane Jones, vice president of business development at Alaska Airlines, “Alaska Access is part of our commitment to make travel more affordable and convenient for everyone–whether planning for your dream vacation or returning home from college. Our new subscription service allows you to discover some of our best deals of the year right at your fingertips, in just minutes.”

Sign up for the new service at

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