
Rapidan Dam about to collapse after being hit by severe flooding

Heavy rain in the Midwest has lead to flooding, threatening the dam in Minnesota

Gerrish Lopez
Written by
Gerrish Lopez
Time Out Contributor
Mankato, Minnesota
Photograph: Shutterstock/Jacob BoomsmaMankato, Minnesota

The Rapidan Dam, built in 1910 to provide hydroelectric power to the Blue Earth County region in Minnesota, suffered a partial collapse on Monday following heavy rains and major flooding in the Midwest. Blue Earth officials announced the failure in a Facebook post on Monday, but had no immediate plans for a mass evacuation.

“The Dam is in imminent failure condition,” the county said. “We do not know if it will totally fail or if it will remain in place, however we determined it was necessary to issue this notification to advise downstream residents and the correct regulatory agencies and other local agencies.”

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Officials say the partial failure occurred on the west abutment of the dam, which may have taken pressure off the dam and prevented a larger collapse. Blue Earth County Public Works, the sheriff's office and emergency management teams continue to monitor the situation and provide updates.

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The primary threat at this time is to one home on the west side of the river near the dam. Its foundation has eroded and will likely collapse.

Severe flooding due to heavy rains slammed the Upper Midwest over the weekend. One person died in South Dakota, and rescue efforts were dispatched in multiple states. While the heavy rain has stopped, flood warnings are still in place.

The dam collapse has drawn interest, and pedestrians are currently allowed to view the dam from a designated area on County Road 9. The county is continuing to provide updates on its Facebook page and other outlets.

Where in Minnesota is the Rapidan Dam?

The dam is located on the Blue Earth River in Mankato, in south central Minnesota.

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