
IRL dating is back as Millennials and Gen Z ditch dating apps

Singles are looking for in-person dating events and deeper connections

Gerrish Lopez
Written by
Gerrish Lopez
Time Out Contributor, US
A man and woman at a speed dating event.
Photograph: Courtesy of Intellectual Blonde Events

Are dating apps on the way out? Younger generations are increasingly turning away from dating apps as in-person events for singles gain popularity. A new report by Eventbrite reveals that attendance at in-person events geared towards singles and dating increased 42% from last year. So, where are Millennials and Gen Zers looking to find love if they're no longer swiping?

Eventbrite’s report shows that Millennials and Gen Zers have soured on dating apps because the apps make it hard to find people who share their interests. There’s also a safety concern, as many people misrepresent themselves or even hide their true identity on dating apps. They seek genuine connections, which is easier to achieve at in-person events.

Speed dating has increased in popularity, and Gen Z and Millennials are seeking out more authentic events that revolve around specific interests so they can find someone who shares those interests. According to the report, coffee shops, bookstores, social clubs and hobby-based events are now seen as more ideal alternatives to bars and clubs for meeting potential partners. When it comes to dates, unique shared experiences involving fun—rather than a standard dinner and a movie—are key.

In the report, Eventbrite shares some of the singles and dating events that have been trending on the platform. Niche events for singles are on the rise, from game-based events (board game and trivia nights) and athletic activities (yoga, city strolls) to themed speed dating events like dance speed dating and meditation speed dating. Interest-based events have surged in popularity as well, anything from silent discos and glassblowing to book clubs and foraging. As a result, Eventbrite has launched a new, dedicated “dating” page to help singles find unique experiences tailored to their specific interests.

“Young singles are diving into their passions and exploring all sorts of niche activities, hoping to connect with someone who shares their interests, but ultimately, they’re just out there doing things they love, no matter the outcome,” shared Roseli Ilano, Head of Community at Eventbrite.

Find out more about the emerging IRL dating scene in Eventbrite’s report.

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