
How to watch the 2024 total solar eclipse in the U.S., including time event is visible

Find out what time you can see the solar eclipse

Gerrish Lopez
Written by
Gerrish Lopez
Time Out Contributor, US
Solar eclipse
Photograph: Shutterstock/Nature's Charm

We’re less than a month away from the solar eclipse of 2024, so hopefully, you’ve got your plans sorted. If you’re lucky enough to live in the path of totality in the U.S., you’ll get to experience a rare total eclipse of the sun. Eager sun-chasers from other parts of the country have snapped up hotels and Airbnbs in and around cities like Austin, Indianapolis and Cleveland to witness several minutes of totality (weather permitting). Other parts of the country will experience varying degrees of totality—here’s how to find out when you can catch the eclipse.

When is the total solar eclipse?

The 2024 solar eclipse is happening on Monday, April 8, 2024. Depending on where you are, you can view the eclipse beginning anywhere from around noon to around 4pm. Find out exactly what time the eclipse begins and how much of the sun will be covered in your area using this handy tool.

What time is the solar eclipse?

The solar eclipse will be in full totality starting at about 1:30pm CDT (Central Daylight Time) and remain so until about 4:30pm ADT (Atlantic Daylight Time).

How to watch the solar eclipse safely

“Don’t look directly into the sun” is still a rule, even during an eclipse. The safest way to view the eclipse is to wear solar viewing glasses, aka “eclipse glasses.” Check your local library or other organizations—they might be handing them out for free!

What exactly is a solar eclipse?

A solar eclipse happens when the moon, as it orbits the Earth, comes between Earth and the sun. This casts a shadow over Earth, preventing sunlight from reaching us. While many eclipses are partial, a total solar eclipse means the moon completely blocks the sun, plunging the Earth into darkness—resembling nighttime with a full moon—in the path of totality.

When is the next solar eclipse in the U.S. after 2024?

Make plans to see this one now, as the next total solar eclipse in the U.S. will not occur until 2044.


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