Although we've seen plenty of maps lately—showcasing each U.S. state's favorite holiday gift, Christmas recipe and even sport, among other things—this one we're about to highlight is a bit different.
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Reddit user demivus used 2017 data from the University of Washington to create a map that illustrates where most out-of-state residents come from in each state.
It seems like, overall, transplants from California and New York have cast their nets the widest. Californians dominate the from-out-of-state scene in Alaska, Hawaii and Texas, among other areas; while New Yorkers have taken over the East Coast—specifically Connecticut, Florida, Massachusetts, North Carolina, South Carolina and Vermont. Interestingly enough, folks from New York are also the biggest transplant presence in California.
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The creator of the map also took to Reddit to share some interesting facts that he noticed while browsing through his sourcing data. For example, there are only 1.3 native-born Nevadans for every Californian living in Nevada and 1.7 native-born New Hampshirites for every Massachusettsan living in New Hampshire.
One more thing: although the illustration specifically takes a look at U.S. states, demivus is quick to note that plenty of areas are home to a larger number of people born in foreign countries compared to folks born and raised state-side. We are a melting pot of cultures after all.
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