
Here are the most common things passengers have forgotten in an Uber

The rideshare’s Lost and Found Index also includes the most forgetful cities some very unique items

Gerrish Lopez
Written by
Gerrish Lopez
Time Out Contributor, US
Photograph: Shutterstock | |

How many times have you left something in an Uber? While the rideshare technology makes it pretty easy to retrieve your items, it’s certainly a pain when it happens. Uber’s 2023 Lost and Found Index is an eye-opening report cataloging all the things that have been left in various cars throughout the year as well as the country’s most forgetful cities, the times riders are most likely to forget things and the most unique items left behind.

The top 10 most forgotten items are pretty straightforward, though it’s a little surprising that a passenger wouldn’t be able to hold on to some of these valuable things. Clothing, phones, backpacks and purses, wallet, headphones, jewelry, keys, books, laptops and watches top the list. People tend to forget things more often on Saturdays and Sundays, and April is when passengers report forgetting the most items.

As for the cities where people are most likely to forget things in an Uber, here they are: Jacksonville, San Antonio, Palm Springs, Houston, Salt Lake City, Miami, Atlanta, Indianapolis, Kansas City and St. Louis.

The most interesting part of the report covers unique items forgotten after a ride. One wonders about the situations that lead to these losses, but some highlights include a fog machine, an ankle monitor, tacos, a mannequin wig head, two fingernails, rash cream and a fake tooth.

Take this as a reminder to hold on to your stuff, but if you end up forgetting something after your next Uber ride, no worries—just head to the Uber help page where you’ll find step-by-step instructions on how to retrieve lost items.

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