
Frank Lloyd Wright's Lake Michigan home is now listed on Airbnb

Fancy a reason to go to Wisconsin?

Gerrish Lopez
Written by
Gerrish Lopez
Time Out Contributor, US

You don't need to be an architecture buff to know the name Frank Lloyd Wright. The acclaimed architect's distinct style – horizontal homes filled with intricate art glass decorations and custom furniture – is famous around the world. Known as the Prairie style, Frank Lloyd Wright and others placed emphasis on nature, craftsmanship and simplicity in buildings designed to be secure, private and connected to the natural landscape. Among his most praised works are super-cool buildings like Fallingwater, Taliesin West and the Hollyhock House. 

And now you have the chance to stay in one of Wright's Midwestern marvels. 

Frank Lloyd Wright, Schwartz House, Airbnb
Photograph: Courtesy Airbnb

The Wisconsin home, also known as Still Bend or Schwartz House, was designed as part of the Life Magazine Dream House competition. The 1940s house is designed with every detail geared toward comfortable, simple living. You’ll find classic Wright elements like red tidewater cypress paneling, huge windows, flat roofs with dramatic overhangs, and an interior space in harmony with the surrounding landscape.

Located on the East Twin River about a mile from Lake Michigan, the home represents Frank Lloyd Wright’s vision for how the average American family could live – open and welcoming, with modern conveniences and privacies. It’s like a private club just for you ,where you can relax, explore every detail, enjoy the wildlife or just sit by the fire. Wright enthusiasts will surely jump at the chance to spend a night here.

Frank Lloyd Wright, Schwartz House, Airbnb
Photograph: Courtesy Airbnb

The home has four bedrooms, four baths and can sleep six. There’s no AC, but Two Rivers, where it’s located, is known as a “Cool City” because of the microclimate created by the lake that keeps it about 15 degrees cooler than inland locations. It also has windows and fans, and you can always go down to the lake to enjoy the breeze and watch sandhill cranes.

For those who are not so familiar with Frank Lloyd Wright, you’ll still love it. In fact, it’s been featured on Netflix’s The World’s Most Amazing Vacation Rentals and Travel Channel’s Amazing Vacation Homes. Find more info on Airbnb.

Frank Lloyd Wright, Schwartz House, Airbnb
Photograph: Courtesy Airbnb
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