
Drivers beware: These are the most haunted roads in America

Haunted highways make for spine-tingling travel tales

Gerrish Lopez
Written by
Gerrish Lopez
Time Out Contributor, US
Scary haunted road
Photograph: Shutterstock/Virrage Images

Some of the most chilling tales of terror begin with someone traveling down a dark road at night. It’s not just in ghost stories, however, there are a surprising number of supposedly haunted roads IRL. The scream fiends at RV Trader have compiled lore and legends from around the country to identify the most haunted roads in America, and you might be surprised by just how many there are.

East Coast, West Coast, Midwest and South—all parts of the U.S. have back roads and highways with questionable characteristics. We’re talking poltergeists, not potholes, and drivers should beware when traveling these roads. There are stories of spurned lovers, ghost warriors, demonic satyrs and glowing orbs of light.

Not surprisingly, what was formerly designated Route 666 in Arizona (now Route 191) is one of the most haunted. Known as The Devil’s Highway, drivers report being chased by bloodthirsty hellhounds and a spectral big rig covered in flames. In the South, roads that wind through old battlefields are rife with stories. Drivers along Crawford Road in Yorktown, VA have seen ghosts of soldiers from the Revolutionary and Civil Wars. In New Orleans, on Mona Lisa Drive, a young woman who killed herself in grief after being denied marriage to her love is said to scratch at the windows of passing cars. Bray Road in Elkhorn, Wisconsin, has been plagued by stories of a beast who terrorizes travelers since the first European settlers arrived. On Clinton Road in West Milford, NJ, drivers see phantom headlights following them before disappearing.

These are just a few of the frightening reports from highways around the country. Find the full list at, and decide whether to take or avoid that road.

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