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Did you know that the United States is home to more billionaires than any other country in the world? But, fun fact: Seven states in the U.S. haven't produced a single billionaire.
Take a look at this map by, highlighting the richest person of all time from each state, and notice how often people had to move to a different area to make money. "Jeff Bezos is originally from New Mexico, but Amazon is headquartered in Seattle, Washington," reads the study. "Sam Walton may have been born in Oklahoma, but his company (Walmart) is headquartered in Arkansas. [...] In other words, clearly sometimes people have to move to make a fortune."
Another interesting point: Almost every person on the map is a man.
In addition to the map, created using data from,, and, the site lists the top 10 states with the wealthiest people of all time. Take a look:
1. New York: John D. Rockefeller, $257.25 billion
2. Oklahoma: Sam Walton, $171.55 billion
3. New Mexico: Jeff Bezos, $116.57 billion
4. Pennsylvania: Richard Mellon Scaife, $104.73 billion
5. Washington: Bill Gates, $90.54 billion
6. Nebraska: Warren Buffett, $90.44 billion
7. Massachusetts: Marshall Field, $76.26 billion
8. Michigan: Henry Ford, $68.33 billion
9. Illinois: Larry Ellison, $56.76 billion
10. Maryland: Sergey Brin, $53.32 billion
Will moving to a different state change our fortune as well?