New to the workforce? Here’s how to present yourself on paper and in person

Marketing yourself doesn’t have to be a full-time job. Career coach, Sarina Virk Torrendell, and haircare brand, Batiste, give you the time-saving advice and confidence you need.
Sarina Virk Torrendell
Photograph provided by Sarina Virk Torrendell | Career coach, Sarina Virk Torrendell
Written by Jennifer Picht (Time Out) in partnership with Batiste

So much freedom and, yet, suddenly so little free time. That’s the collective feeling amongst post-grads and early twenty-somethings who are living on their own in the city—albeit with two other roommates—and are looking for work or a new role while juggling a side hustle, improv classes, walking the neighbor's dog, planning a 25th Birthday… you get the gist.

Job hunting is tough at every age, but with student debt, current economic stressors and an oversaturated job market, that weathered ‘Welcome to adulthood!’ sign is pretty sobering for Gen Zers, like going out to a bar and realizing a cocktail costs $18. Ah, a cheap beer it is.

“Unfortunately, we are in a time that is less than ideal for a job seeker,” says Sarina Virk Torrendell—a professional career coach who works closely with Gen Zers, Millennials, startup leaders and founders to help them bolster their skills, navigate the workforce and build success.

That said, it’s always an ideal time to be a Future Seeker—a Time Out term for someone who’s just starting their career, taking chances and putting themselves out there, all while making the most of their free time. No one understands this better than Batiste, the iconic—and best-selling—dry shampoo and hair-care brand that’s in the business of saving you time without sacrificing your confidence.

To help you achieve all of the above, we chatted with Torrendell on how to sell yourself when time is of the essence.

Shape your story

Bust out your college diary!
Connecting your story, your work-life experience and what you love to the role you want is challenging whether you’re just beginning your career or you’re a few years in. “This is a big reason why I coach,” says Torrendell. “There’s always a way to connect the dots and the skills you’ve acquired from one experience and apply it to a different role,” she adds. Doing this within but also beyond your cover letter can help—and it can come quite quickly and naturally.

“You want to holistically tell your story through your social media, website or portfolio,” says Torrendell, “because, yes, your employer is searching you online.” Everything you do, from your hobbies and personal interests to your content, contributes to this. “You may think there’s a disconnect between your personal life and your job, but you can certainly put them together to allow your personality to shine and make yourself stand out.”

Send cold emails

But, y'know, keep your tone warm.
In a social media-driven world, it’s never been easier or faster to reach out to someone you admire based on their expertise or the company where they work. But before you draft that DM, consider taking a little extra time to write a more thoughtful and professional email—it could get your foot in the right door a lot quicker than you realize.

“There are a lot of people looking for work right now and the market is increasingly more competitive. You need to network and that might mean reaching out to 30 people to get one person to say yes to a coffee meet-up,” says Torrendell.

And don’t be afraid to ask someone for their time, either. They might be grateful you reached out. “Even if it seems really intimidating to connect with someone more senior or established than you, remember that they could learn a lot from you too. The perspective you have to offer as a future seeker yourself is incredibly valuable right now,” Torrendell says.

Prepare to pivot

If the pandemic taught us anything, it’s that sometimes plans change.
Learning to adapt to a new role or company is part of life. But unlike that scene from
Friends involving a couch, a narrow NYC staircase and an exasperated Ross Gellar, pivoting is necessary and it’s actually beneficial.

“We often forget that careers are long,” Torrendell says, “and when you’re first starting out in the workforce, it takes a few pivots and different roles to find what you’re truly passionate about.” Make no mistake, switching industries or positions whether it’s on your own terms or a situation that’s out of your control does not equate to failure. “Pivoting means you’re paying attention to yourself and what’s happening in the world and the job market,” she says. Change, while frustrating, actually gets you where you want to be in a more timely manner.

Get organized in the morning

30 minutes is all it takes!
“I tell this to clients all the time,” says Torrendell, “and I know it’s pretty obvious, but you’d be surprised how many people don’t do it.” We’re not magicians, but we can see how a half-hour of prep-work is a great trick that can save you hours down the line. “Making a check-list at the start of your day, before people start messaging you or asking you for things, really helps with prioritization and drives efficiency," adds Torrendell.

...but also take time to feel your best
That said, setting extra time aside in the morning to make a to-do list could interfere with your getting-ready time. To maintain your focus on what you’ve got planned for the day, 
consider hacks like simplifying your morning routine to save time. Torrendell has a quick tip for this: “As someone who hates washing her hair, Batiste dry shampoo has saved me many times.”

Be your best all day long

Feeling great about yourself goes beyond giving yourself more time in the morning
Always be prepared with your own secret ingredients to feeling confident throughout the day. Taking a few extra minutes to use dry shampoo just before going into an office or hopping on a video call makes a big difference in your confidence level and how you come across to the person in front of you. “I’m all for efficiency, and I’m all for what makes you feel your best—hair that looks good and feels good goes a long way.” Since Batiste freshens hair in an instant, you might even have an extra minute or two to take the “felt cute, might delete later,” selfie.

Make nighttime YOUR time

Try 30 minutes at night, too!
Similarly to setting aside time in the morning, the same tip applies before bed. “If you have a really big interview or a presentation the next day, I highly recommend making a checklist the night before of all the topics you need to hit,” says Torrendell. “I’m also a big believer in practicing what you’re going to say in front of the mirror.”

This is when your multitasking skills (yep, add it to the résumé!) can truly shine. “Try talking in front of the mirror while putting on an overnight hair mask (which is also practicing self care, so—boom!—three things at once). Then you’ll go to bed feeling good, which will help you to get the rest and confidence you need the next day.”

For another multitasking option, consider using Overnight Dry Shampoo from Batiste, which 1) prevents oil build-up while you sleep, 2) allows you to wake up with clean looking hair, 3) gives you confidence from your first look in the mirror, and 4) lets you tick off one thing on your checklist in the morning.

Work toward harmony—not balance

It goes without saying, but we’ll remind you anyway:
“There’s so much more to life outside of the day-to-day grind of your job or finding a job,” says Torrendell. And that whole “find a job you love and you’ll never work a day in your life” advice? Yeah, that’s a myth. “Even if you truly love your job, you’re still working,” says Torrendell. “That’s why I remind everyone that it’s not about balancing your career and your personal life—it’s about finding harmony in every facet of your life,” she adds.

That harmony includes working hard on a passion project, pursuing your hobbies and personal interests, taking care of your mental and physical health, spending time with your community, family and chosen family—everything. It also includes understanding that because time is involved, it's important to allot a reasonable enough amount to each of these facets to make them feel substantial. Using Batiste Dry Shampoo products for a quick hair refresh, for example, will give you back some time in your day that you would have spent on washing and styling your hair. “When you achieve this harmony, you’ll be a better and stronger employee, founder or whatever vision you want to achieve,” says Torrendell.

Batiste™ is a registered trademark of Church & Dwight Co., Inc.
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