
What porn term does your state search the most?

Written by
Marcia Gagliardi
Photograph: Shutterstock

Oh, the human mind. It’s a fascinating thing—especially when we take a look at what turns it on. According to a recent study by adult film website Pornhub and Vocativ of state-by-state porn searches in January 2016, Americans get off to some pretty strange things. So grab your popcorn (you thought we were going to say lube, but no) and buckle up. According to a map from the study, “lesbian” is the most-searched term in most of the country. Let’s give a slow clap for porn-watching California, which not only has the largest number of searches, but searched the term 187,000 times in January alone.

But then there are the outliers. First, what is up with Maine, Montana, Minnesota, Wyoming and Ohio with their love of “step sister?” Is that a northern thing? And Alaska, let’s talk about “step mom,” shall we? (Maybe not.) And that also goes for Washington, Kentucky and New Hampshire too. We're not quite sure what to make of “cartoon” as a search term—looks like Nebraska, Arkansas, Tennessee and Vermont are into some funky stuff, or maybe they're looking for new Spongebob episodes in the wrong place.

We can look to Louisiana for top searches for “black,” while Mississippi, Georgia and Delaware prefer “ebony.” And when Hawaii wants to look up another kind of poke, they search the most for “Asian.” 

And then there’s Rhode Island, the one state with a penchant for “MILF.” Moms, looks like you have some fans in Rhode Island.

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