
This interactive map shows the most Instagrammed places in the world

Anna Rahmanan
Written by
Anna Rahmanan
Senior National News Editor

With millions upon millions of location-tagged pictures uploaded to Instagram each day, the social media platform has become a mirror image of people's preferences when it comes to traveling and exploring. Which begs the question: What place is the most Instagrammed in the whole wide world?

On the Go Tours created an interactive map ("The Wonders of the World According to Instagram Hashtags") highlighting the most Instagrammed spots on the planet. To come up with the results, the site searched for the "top 100 landmarks in the world" on Google, took the top 50 results and plugged them into the social media platform to find out the number of hashtags used worldwide in connection to the various picks.

With 3,411,588 used hashtags, the Eiffel tower in Paris lands in the number one spot on the list. America makes a few appearances in the top ten: Arizona's Grand Canyon is at number three (1,938,482 hashtags used), the Empire State Building in New York is in fifth place (1,578,349 hashtags used), San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge is at number six (1,572,846 hashtags used) and the Statue of Liberty, also in New York, ranks in at number eight with 1,083,079 hashtags used.

To check out the entire interactive map, showcasing the top 50 spots, click right here. Below, we reproduce the top ten list:

1. Eiffel tower in Paris

A post shared by Roggu (@89_roggu) on

2. Big Ben in London

A post shared by 徐臻周 Carl (@carlxu2001) on

3. Grand Canyon in Arizona

4. London Eye in London

A post shared by Giorgia Carneri (@gio_carneri) on

5. Empire State Building in New York

A post shared by New York Post (@nypost) on

6. Golden State Bridge in San Francisco

A post shared by Wonceptual (@wonceptual) on

7. Tower Bridge in London

A post shared by Alex On The Road (@a_ontheroad) on

8. Statue of Liberty in New York

9. Sagrada Familia in Barcelona

A post shared by Kareem Mazhar (@keeksawy) on

10. Colosseum in Rome

A post shared by @sunnymay22 on

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