Photograph: Hater
The business of finding love is getting very creative: In case you missed it, the latest app that promises to find your soul mate seeks to do so by connecting potential lovers who hate the same things.
Hater (an apt name indeed) made use of all the data it has garnered from hundreds of thousands of users across the country and plugged it all into a map that highlights the most hated topic in every state. The results are, obviously, hilarious.
Iconically funny standouts include Colorado, who seems to truly despise *NSYNC; Iowa's reluctance to understand the appeal of long hair on guys; Hawaiians' hatred for taking videos during concerts; Washington's dislike of Keurig K cups and Utah's (unsurprising) contempt for porn.
But our favorite results come courtesy of Arizona and Mississippi. The former hates... sand. The latter? Anal sex.
So, do you hate the same thing that daters in your state hate? More importantly... is it time to move?