We'll take Beyoncé any which way we can... Even if we have to find her within the pages of a book.
Sugoi Books just released Finding Beyoncé, an illustrated book that is a "Where's Waldo crossover, where you can find [the artist] in numerous different illustrated worlds," says Lucy Smith, the company's PR representative.
Put together by a variety of different artists—Roberto Biefari, Vinnie Neuberg and Bille Savimma, among others—the publication features 16 different illustrations and tons of "hidden Beyoncé references inside each page," explains Smith.
The book is available for purchase all around the world online. Check out the cover and a few preview pages below:
Photograph: Sugoi Books
Photograph: Sugoi Books
Photograph: Sugoi Books
Photograph: Sugoi Books
Photograph: Sugoi Books
Photograph: Sugoi Books
Photograph: Sugoi Books