Researchers from the California Institute of Technology announced a pretty big finding on Wednesday that should have space nerds squirming in their seats. There is (probably) a ninth planet in our solar system, and it's way, way bigger than Pluto.
Astronomers Michael Brown and Konstantin Batygin laid out their evidence in a paper published in the Astronomical Journal. While they haven't observed the proposed planet directly, the math and physics all point to the existence of a planet that is up to 10 times the size of Earth and which has an orbit that lasts 20,000 years.
They're calling the theoretical celestial body "Planet Nine." If verified, it would fill in the gap that Pluto left in 2006 when it was relegated to "dwarf-planet" status.
The planet's discovery will likely have little to no effect on your day-to-day life, of course, but you should be pretty excited about it anyway. The fact that some of the most intelligent people in the world can't even figure out how many planets orbit the sun ought to make you feel slightly better about losing your keys for the third time in a week.