The third supermoon in the past three months will actually be the last one of this calendar year. To make the event even more special, Mother Nature scheduled for it to occur just as the annual Geminids meteor shower hits the sky.
Given the brightness of tonight's supermoon, which will shine at its biggest and finest at 7:05pm EST, it may be harder than usual to clearly see the meteor shower (which peaks around 2am). You'll want to follow these tips to maximize your chances of catching both events:
- Try to stay away from city lights
- Allow your eyes about 20 minutes to adjust to the darkness
- The best way to catch the event is to lay down on the ground and look upward
- Find a spot that grants your eyes full access to the dark, open sky
Can't spend your night staring up at the sky? Slooh, a Connecticut-based organization that sets up telescopes around the world, has got you covered with a live broadcast of the event starting tonight at 8pm EST. Check out the stream right here:

In case you were wondering, the next supermoon won't be until December 3, 2017... so you might really want to cancel your plans for tonight.