
The horror: McDonald's location will offer unlimited French fries

Written by
Marcia Gagliardi
Photograph: Courtesy CC/Flickr/EvelynGiggles

In a move that is simultaneously horrifying but secretly exciting to think about in the deepest, darkest part of your id, McDonald’s is reopening and redesigning a location St. Joseph, Missouri, and it will be the first location to offer unlimited French fries. Yup, everyone’s arteries just got a little tighter all of a sudden. Actually, a lot.  

McDonald’s french fries already have a notoriously addictive quality, and people who won’t eat the chain's burgers are known to make an exception for those damn fries—particularly on days like this (it is 4/20). So, the prospect of unlimited fries is, well, downright terrifying. Because: no limits. If anything was going to inspire gluttonous consumption of a food item, it’s McDonald’s fries. (Followed immediately by Pringles, right?)

The location is due to open in July, and is reportedly going to feature some other quirky components, like being able to customize your burger, and after ordering from a kiosk, employees will bring your food to your seat—which can be a table, armchair and even a couch, where we imagine a lot of fries are going to get stuck in between the cushions. Sorry, St. Joseph!

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