Here’s something a vast number of humans will agree on: spiders really have no business in your home. Most people will tolerate their drunk uncle Jim visiting for the holidays who refuses to smoke outside over a brown, meaty spider on the wall. [Shiver.] And while many of us know the catch-and-release method is the kind, Buddhist way to handle spiders, most of us quickly default to full-blown, red alert, freak-out mode and grab the nearest shoe to dispatch with any arachnid swiftly. Gross but effective—unless the damn thing drops a line and lands on your arm, or successfully scurries away as they see your fuzzy slipper coming at them. And guess who won’t be sleeping peacefully tonight? Spider 1, Human 0.
So just when you think we have seen every single necessary contraption known to man, from ShamWow to Shake Weight, leave it to someone to invent something really, truly useful. Meet: My Critter Catcher, which has been around for some time now but the internet is just picking up on. Much nicer than My Critter Destroyer (which is your shoe). It’s the ultimate spider picker-upper—from a blessedly safe distance—also allows you to release them outside, also from a safe distance. (Run along, Mr. Spider. Yes, away from my house. Keeeeeep going…)
Now, the product video above is rather insane because if I saw a spider even half the size of the ones they show casually cruising through peoples’ homes, I’d very quickly drawing up contracts to sell my house (and I'd be doing it from the neighbor's). And I certainly wouldn’t be employing the classic “jar-and-piece-of-paper” method to save one that big—that is just way too close. And it makes one wonder: who on earth was the spider handler for this video? What a job.
Anyway, for $16.95 (plus shipping and handling, of course), arachnophobes now have access to their dream accessory. Happy catching and releasing! Instead of squishing and smashing. Although you can still scream.
(h/t Insider.)