Last Sunday's Game of Thrones "Battle of the Bastards" was one of the most tense, gut-wrenching episodes that the HBO show has aired to date, and featured one of the best battle scenes, well, ever.
Not everyone is blessed with a loquacious friend who can help lighten the mood during an episode that takes such an emotional toll on its viewers. Seth Meyers, on the other hand, is.
In a segment on Late Night with Seth Meyers Thursday night, the show's host and former Saturday Night Live head writer, said, "My favorite thing about watching Game of Thrones is watching what my friend Leslie Jones live tweets during an episode." He loves Jones' commentary so much that he held off from watching Sunday's episode until he could watch it with her, commentary and all.
Jones, who's made a name for herself at SNL and who is starring in the upcoming Ghostbusters reboot, cackled, screamed, sang and giggled throughout the episode, shining a hilarious light on an hour of television that left viewers across the country breathless.
If you're one of those people who "shushes" your friends during a dramatic TV episode, you'll probably hate the segment (and you should really calm down as well). But the eight-minute bit makes one thing clear: we all need a TV-watching buddy as amazing as Leslie Jones.
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