It’s that time of year again, fans of all things Westeros—those precious few weeks leading up to another season of Game of Thrones when every tiny morsel of new footage and info sends you into a frothing, speculating frenzy.
The latest delectable little tidbit came over the weekend with a 30-second teaser trailer for season six that is light on detail but heavy on foreshadowing.
“We deserve death, we all do,” says the High Sparrow (and we think the Mountain 2.0 is ready to make good on that for this particular puritan).
“The great game’s terrifying,” says Tyrion, as swords are swashbuckled in the woods and dragon Queens are led through the desert.
“One way or another, a face will be added to the hall,” says Jaqen H’Ghar as the trailer flashes through the various face-hall-adding options: Jaime, Sansa, Arya, Tyrion, Cersei, Theon and then… Bran!
Yep, if there’s one new thing to come out of the trailer it’s that the sidelined young Stark is back—standing, and in a spot of danger.
Someone who isn’t back—at least, who does not appear in this trailer—is Jon Snow. Which means…nothing.
On the other hand, HBO is for the first time not sending out press screeners in advance of this season, which means…something. Expect a big surprise in first episode or two. And we think it will relate to something that rhymes with “bon blow.”
Game of Thrones season 6 premieres April 24 on HBO.