Sure, we millennials are entitled, eat way too much avocado toast, weirdly adore rainbow-colored anything and are extremely self-centered but, at least according to a new study, we also happen to be traditional when it comes to dating.
The research team at ABODO surveyed 3,500 millennials and asked them about their dating app usage, the general hookup culture and their thoughts on long-term relationships.
The most interesting results are revealed when respondents were asked if dating "apps are a loophole for those with a wandering eye." That is to say: Are folks in relationships allowed to still be on dating apps? Nearly 70% of the millennials consider having a dating app cheating. Numbers slightly differ when breaking them down app-by-app: 34.9% of people on Hinge think that "it's fine to swipe and chat while taken," compared with 22.5% on Grindr and 18.1% on Zoosk.
Congratulations, millennials! It seems like we aren't so bad, after all.