
I want to buy all of these new Lisa Frank dresses but Mom won’t let me

Written by
Laura Rote

A simple dolphin dress, a modest unicorn and rainbows tank top, cozy Forrest the Tiger Cub leggings—I’m overwhelmed with purchasing indecision. Just a few hours ago, while perusing Facebook during a brief lunch break as any good millennial does, my colleague gasped and chatted me (even though she was sitting right beside me). The exchange went a little something like this:

Her: OMG.

Me: Holy shit.

Her: I want it all.

Me: Dolphins!!

Yes, a new Lisa Frank clothing collection had just dropped and...again, OMG. 

We weren’t the only ones freaking out. In just the first three hours after the Lisa Frank Facebook page revealed the clothing options available at Rage On, more than 9,000 people had already liked the post and more than 4,500 people had shared it. The consensus? We wish we could have it all, but at more than $50 for a dress—even if one of its colorful dolphins is laughing, a penguin is dancing and a purple dog is scooting by on a surfboard—we might not be able to afford it. For now, we'll have to consult our Lisa Frank tarot cards to see whether a sale is in the future. If not, we may be forced to make our own

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