Did China just figure out the ultimate solution to traffic?
The Transit Elevated Bus concept (TEB), presented at the 19th China Beijing International High-Tech expo back in May, actually took to the streets of Qinhuangdao, a port city in northeast China, this week.
Straddling the highway over two lanes and allowing cars to pass underneath, the electricity-powered vehicle seems to be a potential solution to both massive traffic woes and pollution. Also, it's just kinda friggin cool.
"The invention of the Transit Elevated Bus is considered as a revolution for the environment-friendly public transportation," said TEB Technology, the project's maker, on its website.
"The compartment is 22 meters [72 feet] long, 7.8 meters [26 feet] wide and can carry 300 passengers," said Xinhuanet, China's official news agency.
Following this week's trial run, many raised questions about specific aspects of the project. How will the vehicle make turns? Will trucks and other buses fit below it? How much would a completed project cost? Will the vehicle be able to sustain driverless technology?
According to Xinhuanet, the project has "already attracted interest from governments in Brazil, France, India and Indonesia." Will we see a massive bus/train hybrid take over the Pacific Highway soon? Only time will tell.