We believe this is what they refer to as food porn.
Photographer Beth Galton and food stylist Charlotte Omnès collaborated on an out-of-the-ordinary photo project involving foods cut in half and, be warned, the results will make you salivate.
"This series was inspired by an assignment in which we were asked to cut a burrito in half for a client," recalls Galton in an email. "Normally for a job, we photograph the surface of food occasionally taking a bite or a piece out but rarely the cross section of a finished dish. I found the inside so interesting I thought it would be fun to explore other foods."
Browsing through a long list of potential subjects, the duo ended up shooting a split-in-half cup of coffee, an ice cream sundae and even a frozen turkey, among other fare. How did they narrow down their options? "It became evident that it was important to choose items which we don't usually look at the interior of," says Galton.
In addition to depicting usual subjects in unusual ways, the photos are visually striking and minimally edited. "When possible, Charlotte used gelatin in liquids plus other food styling tricks," recalls Galton. "[But] we always wanted to do as much as possible in camera without Photoshop."
Check out a selection of pictures from the series below:

Photograph: Beth Galton

Photograph: Beth Galton

Photograph: Beth Galton

Photograph: Beth Galton

Photograph: Beth Galton

Photograph: Beth Galton

Photograph: Beth Galton

Photograph: Beth Galton

Photograph: Beth Galton