
14 ways you can help Texas in the wake of Hurricane Harvey

Anna Rahmanan
Written by
Anna Rahmanan
Senior National News Editor

Texans need our thoughts and prayers more than ever—but they also need our practical help, money, energy and resources to get through. Here are some of the ways you can help those affected by the devastation caused by Hurricane Harvey.

1. Donate to the Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund.

2. Airbnb is waving all service fees for those affected by Harvey checking in between August 23 and September 25, 2017. The company is asking for financial donations and seeking out people willing to offer temporary housing to those looking for shelter. Click here to help.

3. The Texas Diaper Bank is accepting donations to provide diapers and baby essentials to families with kids.

4. Donate to local food banks, including the Food Bank of Corpus Christi, Feeding Texas, the Houston Food Bank and the Galveston County Food Bank

5. The Red Cross is accepting donations online and by texting HARVEY to 90999 ($10 donation). 

6. Donate to the Salvation Army to help provide long-term assistance to those affected by the hurricane.

7. Heart to Heart International is accepting donations.

8. Help the homeless population by donating to the Coalition for the Homeless.

9. Animal shelters are taking in stranded and displaced pets. Donate to Dallas Animal Services, the SPCA of Texas, the San Antonio Humane Society and Austin Pets Alive!, among others. You can also donate to Love City Angels, which, until further notice, is directing all donations to the rescue of animals in the Houston, Corpus Christi and Austin areas.

10. Starbucks stores across the country are accepting donations to the American Red Cross.

11. United Airlines set up a CrowdRise page that allows you to donate to a variety of different organizations.

12. Donate to the United Way of Houston relief fund and choose the exact county you want to help.

13. Check out the GoFundMe Hurricane Harvey Relief page and select the fundraisers you wish to be a part of.

14. In Austin—there is a Hurricane Harvey fundraiser happening every day this weekend

Know of more ways to help those affected by Hurricane Harvey? Put your suggestions and links in the comments below. 

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