
Why this major UK airport could be in for a summer of chaos

Punters at Birmingham Airport could see delays of up to three hours at security

Annie McNamee
Written by
Annie McNamee
Contributor, Time Out London and UK
Birmingham airport, UK
Photograph: Ceri Breeze /

Let’s be honest: airports are often not particularly nice places to be. Typically crowded and stressful, people rarely relish the idea of spending lengthy stretches of time in airports. 

If you’re jet-setting off from Birmingham Airport this summer, you may be in for even longer waits than most. The airport has been seeing some serious delays at security, with some passengers yesterday (June 10) waiting up to three hours in the rain just to get through to the terminal.

These delays are ongoing, so if you’re catching a flight from the Midlands hub anytime soon we recommend you getting there early. Like, properly early. As early as you can feasibly be without arriving the day before, basically. 

It’s unclear why exactly these delays are happening. The airport says that customers are unaware of new rules which mean that liquids need not be removed from bags as they are going through security, thanks to new scanners, but some argue this is not an adequate excuse. 

Rob Burgess, who runs a website dedicated to tips and tricks for anyone flying, told the i that ‘the delays are primarily due to the major construction work taking place at the airport coinciding with the first wave of summer holiday traffic. 

It’s difficult to see it improving whilst the construction is ongoing.’

The work in question is the airport installing brand new, multi-million pound scanners. These are being brought into every airport in the UK following government guidance, but they’ve caused quite a lot of drama in their short existence. You can read more about the whole saga here

Basically, if you’re travelling through Birmingham Airport this summer, go prepared. Necessary survival gear may include: a waterproof poncho, a bottle of water, and a carby snack bar. Anything with oats will do. The water will, of course, have to be consumed before you get through security, because new scanners are not yet in effect. Good luck, travellers. 

Eyes on the skies

At Time Out we keep an eye on all things British aviation. For instance, did you see that that the UK’s most delayed flight routes have been revealed? Or that Jet2 is launching 6 brand new holiday routes from Birmingham? We’ve also updated you on how air traffic control shortages could cause chaos this summer, and why the 100ml rule won’t be scrapped this year.

Did you see that a new scenic rail route through the beautiful Yorkshire Dales has just launched?

Plus: 8 UK universities are the best in the world.

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