
This brand-new £57 million train station is coming to the UK

Once complete, the station will be a short ride from the planned Universal Studios theme park in Bedfordshire

Amy Houghton
Written by
Amy Houghton
Contributing writer
artists impression wixam station
Image: Ergotechnics Ltd.

Back in December, we found out that the UK could be getting its very own Universal Studios theme park. Plans are still in their early stages but if they go ahead, the park will be built in Bedfordshire, and there will be a heck of a lot more foot traffic in the area. 

Local councillor Graeme Coombes told the BBC that if the attraction is built, ‘it is undoubtable that we will need a station that has capacity for all of the expected visitors’. Now, plans are in place to do exactly that. 

Construction of a huge new train station in Wixam, Bedfordshire is due to start later this year. Plans for the £57 million station were actually approved more than 20 years ago but they could be expanded if Universal Studios becomes a reality. It’ll be around a 15-minute drive or 30-minute bus journey to Bedford. 

The hub will include two platforms complete with seating areas and shelters, plus toilets a waiting room and a coffee shop. Work is set to start this autumn with the hopes that it will be completed by late 2026. 

Britain by rail 

In other train news, Liverpool is also getting a massive new station and Belfast is getting one that costs a whopping £340 million. At Time Out, we've also curated a list of the most beautiful train stations in the UK and regularly update our guide to train strikes across the country

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Plus: The UK’s first proper heatwave of 2024 is finally on the way.

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