
The UK’s highest pub is opening a new beer garden with awesome views

The Yorkshire Dales pub has had planning permission granted to expand and build new hotel rooms and a beer garden

Annie McNamee
Written by
Annie McNamee
Contributor, Time Out London and UK
Tan Hill Inn, a pub in the Pennines
Photograph: Pete Stuart /

The United Kingdom is crammed with so many pubs that some of them can’t help but be in some pretty funky locations. For instance, you probably didn’t know that the nation’s northernmost boozer is actually closer to Oslo than it is to London, and the highest is not in the Scottish Highlands, as you might expect, but instead in Richmond, Yorkshire. It’s called the Tan Hill Inn, and soon you’ll be able to experience its views in a whole new way.

The Tan Hill Inn is 528m, or about half a kilometre, above sea level, making it the highest point you can get a pint in the country. It’s also pretty remote. Its closest neighbours are sheep and cattle, and the nearest town is a place called Kirkby Stephen which is 11 miles away and doesn’t even have a Tesco. Basically, you’re in the middle of nowhere, which is why the views of the surrounding Yorkshire Dales are so breathtaking.

And soon it will have a beer garden, where you can enjoy a cold drink in the sun with panoramic views of the Pennines. What more could a person want?

Planning permission has been approved for the inn to build several new rooms to stay in overnight, and a beer garden just outside of the bar. According to the owner, Andrew Heilds, regulars expressed that ‘they wanted an outdoor area to take advantage of the inn’s amazing views, more items on the menu and more toilet space,’ so that’s exactly what they’re getting. Solar panels will also be added, making it more environmentally friendly and assuring the future of the surrounding landscapes.

It’s not yet clear when exactly the work will be complete, but permission was only granted this week and no building has begun yet, so it could be a little while. In the meantime, you can stay in one of the current 12 rooms available, or even wild-camp on the grounds if you’re brave. You can have a look at what the pub offers, and book yourself a stay, here.

Whenever the beer garden is ready, we’re sure it’ll be one for the books. Good luck with the project, Tan Hill! We hope the sheep don’t get in your way too much.

Pubs according to Time Out

Can't wait for the Tan Inns renovations to be ready? Luckily We've got lists of our favourite pubs in the UK, some seriously stunning boozers you might never have heard of, and, of course, the nation's very best beer gardens.

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