
Could there soon be a shortage of bottled water in the UK?

Some branches of Sainsbury’s and Tesco have already run out, while Aldi stores are now rationing sales

Written by
Faima Bakar
Contributing writer
Empty shelves
Photograph: Kevin Chen Images /

In case you haven’t heard or gone outside in the past few days and weeks, we’re in a bit of a drought (but be warned, flash floods and thunderstorms are about to change all that). So while we await the heavens opening up, parts of the country are facing a hosepipe ban from August 23. And it’s not just our gardens and front yards going without H2O – bottled water might also be on its way out. 

Currently, there are shortages in many stores and supermarkets, and some places are even rationing bottles to avoid customers stockpiling the stuff. Last week Aldi put out notices saying customers could only buy three multipacks at a time, though only in some stores and not across all of its branches.

On Friday, Tesco and Sainsbury’s supermarkets in London, Evesham, Stalybridge and Taplow were also pictured with bottled water shortages after people started panic-buying the items.

As tempting as it may be to stockpile Evian and the like, please remember that UK taps still provide adequate drinking water and aren’t expect to run dry. The government has insisted that we won’t see a repeat of 1976, when people had to use standpipes in the street.

In the meantime, though, you might want to refrain from any water-wasting activities. Water provider Affinity and Wessex Water, in the south-east of England, said customers should have four-minute showers, and flush ‘only when you need to’. 

Meanwhile, Anglian Water, which provides seven million in the east of England, told customers to use paddling-pool water to spray their garden. Thames Water, the largest provider in the UK, urged customers to check for leaks in toilets, spray plants with water in the morning and turn off taps while brushing their teeth.

ICYMI: now the UK can expect flash flooding and thunderstorms later in the week.

Plus: Scotland has become the first country to offer free period products for all.

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