
Could the entire city of Stoke-on-Trent become a UNESCO World Heritage Site?

One architectural historian wants the Midlands city to join the ranks of the Taj Mahal and the Acropolis

India Lawrence
Written by
India Lawrence
Contributing writer
Photograph: Shutterstock

We all know the classic wonders of the world. Machu Picchu, the Taj Mahal, Stoke-on-Trent... Okay, we joke, but one architectural historian is calling for Stoke in the Midlands to become a UNESCO World Heritage site, joining the likes of some of the world’s most spectacular sights. 

Historian Otto Smith told the BBC that Stoke-on-Trent should be recognised by UNESCO because of its ‘fabulous buildings’, ‘superb museums’ and friendly locals. 

‘It’s not my first holiday in Stoke-on-Trent,’ Smith wrote in a post on X. ‘Without irony one of my favourite places in the world: fabulous buildings, too many unloved, superb museums, and the friendliest people I’ve ever encountered, all of them passionate evangelists for their city.’

Paul Williams, an academic and culture tourism specialist replied to Smith’s post saying Stoke-on-Trent ‘will be’ a world heritage site.

Stoke-on-Trent was named a World Craft City earlier this year, which the city is hoping to use to leverage a world heritage protected status. 

Williams added: ‘Currently liaising with the city council and cultural partners to see how we can maximise the opportunities that World Craft City status brings, align the designation with the centenary celebrations and use it as a springboard to deliver future ambitions.’

What do you think, should Stoke-on-Trent be recognised by UNESCO? 

Time Out and the UK’s UNESCO World Heritage Sites

The UK currently boasts more than 30 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, from Stonehenge and the Giant’s Causeway to Durham Cathedral. In recent UNESCO news, did you see that this incredible Scottish bog is the UK’s newest World Heritage Site and that skyscrapers could cause the Tower of London to lose its UNESCO status? Plus: the world’s most beautiful UNESCO site is in the UK, apparently.

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