
Bad news: a pint of beer could cost £9 in the UK by next year

Maybe we could cut costs by filling the glass up with our own tears?

Ella Doyle
Written by
Ella Doyle
Guides Editor
Pint of beer

We know. Everything is expensive and everything sucks. Your parents won’t stop telling you how much they paid for the same stuff back in ‘their day’. Your weekly shop has you wondering if they added a zero by mistake. 

So the last thing you need is more bad news, but hey, here we are. The news is out: you could soon have to pay £9 for a pint in the UK. You heard us – nine British pounds for your favourite beer on tap. It’s offensive, really. 

Industry bosses said in a report that bar and menu bills are likely to see yet another hike over the next year, after the average 9 percent increase of the past 12 months. 

Hospitality trade analysts CGA found punters are regularly having to shell out £8 for a pint in London (no surprises, there). And the group’s latest figures – published in the Business Confidence Survey, in collaboration with hospitality experts Fourth – have revealed that the cost of a pint will likely increase even further next year.

Back in 2008, the average price of a UK pint was just £2.30, which is pretty unimaginable now. Sebastien Sepierre, Fourth’s managing director, said: ‘The hospitality industry has had a torrid time over the last two and a half years, and the ongoing supply chain disruption is the latest challenge that businesses have had to contend with.’

Pub owners are currently grappling with rising bills and customers trying to cut down their spending. Emma McClarkin, chief executive of the British Beer and Pub Association, said businesses are currently ‘stuck between a rock and a hard place’.

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