If you spotted a bus-full of saplings riding around in Birmingham this week and had to take a second glance, don’t worry: you saw that right. The no. 11 bus dropped off 600 blossom trees on Tuesday, ready for volunteers from the local community to plant just in time for spring.
The trees were donated by The National Trust so that they can be planted along the bus route, which loops around the city. It is part of the organisation’s latest effort to boost biodiversity across the UK. Fruit trees have already been planted in other cities including Plymouth, Nottingham and Newcastle.
We're giving away more than 600 trees to schools, community groups and residents to recreate a "ring of blossom" around #Birmingham.
— National Trust in the Midlands (@NTmidlands) January 17, 2023
And we're delivering some by bus today.#EveryoneNeedsNature pic.twitter.com/tUIGz7I1Da